Bustling Valkenburg at walking distance from the camping
Hidden between the moss-green hills, in the heart of protected nature area “Heuvelland”, lays the city of “mergel” Valkenburg with its rich touristic history. The 5 star landscape with Valkenburg in its center has been an attraction for more than 125 years. Here you feel the heartbeat of Europe, with nearby cities like Maastricht, Aachen and Liége at the doorstep. Discover all amazing things to do in Valkenburg. Too much for one day? Stay! Tomorrow there is many more things to do. Welcome to Camping de Cauberg in Valkenburg!
Foto's Valkenburg
Daal af in een 'echte' kolenmijn, op zoek naar het zwarte goud! Ontdek alles over het zware werk en het leven van mijnwerkers. Een wereld die normaal gesproken verborgen blijft, ver onder de grond.
Everything that happend underground, is being told in Mergelrijk. Discover it yourself.